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  4. How to export your form submissions to CSV or Excel

How to export your form submissions to CSV or Excel

With Kali Forms you can easily export your form submissions to the following formats: CSV, XLS and XLSX.

This functionality is limited to users that own a Kali Forms Pro license and have installed the Kali Forms Submissions add-on.

When this is installed and enabled a new section will become available in the Kali Forms menu: Form entries. In the initial view of this section you will be able to see all your form entries, to access the export functionality you will need to switch to the Exporter tab.
Form entries Exporter Tab

To perform an export you will need to:

  • select the form you want to export submissions for;
  • choose which fields you would like to be exported;
  • set the export type between the three mentioned formats;
  • click the Export button

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