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How to export/import your forms

The forms you build in Kali Forms can be easily exported through the default WordPress export tool.
Kali Forms Dashboard

Just head to the Tools tab in your admin panel, then select the Export section.
Export Tab

Select the Kali Forms option and click the Download Export File button.
Generate the export

This will generate a XML file that can be used by any plugin that uses the WordPress standard importer.

If you want to restore your forms in a second Kali Forms installation, for example moving from the development environment to your live site, you will need to:

Navigate to the Tools >> Import tab in your admin panel.
Import forms

If you do not have the default WordPress importer installed, you can easily install it using the Install now button.
Install WordPress Importer

After this is done, access the importer and select the previously generated XML file.
Select Import File

You will then be prompted to assign the imported posts to an user account.
Assign posts

Complete the import process by clicking the Submit button.
Import complete

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