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Digital Signature

The Digital Signature field will allow users to add their signature when making a submission through a form built with Kali Forms

This add-on is only available to Kali Forms Pro users that also install the Kali Forms – Digital Signature add-on.

Configuration options

  • Field name: the name of the field. This is needed for creating the placeholders that will help display the submitted data in the Thank you message and in the body of the form notification emails.
  • Field caption/label: the caption of the field. This is usually displayed next to the input element to let users know what information is expected in the field.
  • Field description: you can use this to provide additional instructions for using the field in the submission process.
  • Required: choose if the field is mandatory for the submission to be made.
  • Save as image in media library: this will save each user signature as an image in your media library.
  • Field id: the id of the form element. This is mainly used for internal purposes.

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