Are you tired of the old-fashioned way of managing sports event ticket registration forms? You came to the right place!
Here you will find everything you need! Planning a sports event is, without any doubt, time-consuming. You have to rent the location, hire the necessary people, search for volunteers, and after all this, you’ll need attendees. Therefore, by creating an online registration form for the sports event, you will greatly simplify your work. You will be able to create a database of your clients and sell your services more efficiently.
In this article, you will find out why online forms are the “go-to” and how to create a sports event ticket registration form using the best tool, to skyrocket your profits! Let’s get started!
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Reasons to set up a form for sports events with Kali Forms
If the advantages are still unclear, and you may not be determined to take this step to create an online registration form for your sports event, don’t worry! Here I listed just a few of the powerful reasons why online registration forms are the future:
- Diversification – Whether you are arranging a marathon, a football tournament for a week, or just a tennis or basketball match, Kali Forms will handle all sports. You can create a simple tickets sports event form for a 10k marathon or a more complex one with a subscription and seat options for your phenomenal Basketball match.
- Gathering Information – You will be able to promote future sports events through the email newsletter, thanks to all the information you gathered from your clients. In short, this is the most efficient way to create your own community.
- Criticism – You organized a Sports Event, but now you want to receive feedback from your customers. With an online registration form, you can ask the attendees through an email about their experience. You will be able to improve your services this way. Our customer satisfaction survey might come in handy when asking for feedback from your participants.
- Efficiency – It’s 2021. Selling tickets at the doorway like in the ’90s is just simply unacceptable. It is not just highly inefficient but also time-consuming – creating an online sports event registration form will help both you and your customers. The possibility of dealing with unwanted bad reviews will disappear, and customers won’t wait in long queues to hear “Sorry we are out of tickets.”
How to set up an online sports event registration form
This is a straightforward process that will take you through all the necessary steps to create this online registration form for sports events. It will save you an incredible amount of time and resources. All that you need is a powerful tool to create sample registration forms for sports. To sum up, if you want to create astonishing online forms for your customers, you should make the most out of the Kali Form plugin.
Install Kali Forms
To install Kali, you will need a fully functional site. If you don’t already have one, you can find a tutorial on how to create a website. The majority of businesses nowadays have one for many purposes, such as monetization, so it will be more than great for you to own one. It’s not an easy process, but it will pay off. Once this stage is over, go to WordPress dashboard > Plugins > Add New.

You will be redirected to a page with all WordPress plugins. Type Kali Forms in the search bar, and when you find it, click Install Now.

After you installed it, wait a few seconds, then press Activate.

The Kali Forms plugin will immediately appear in your WordPress menu.
Create a new form
Every time from now on when you want to create a new form, go to your WordPress menu > Kali Forms > Add New.

You will be redirected to a page with pre-made templates. Because there is no registration form template for a sports event, we will create one from scratch to see how the plugin works. Click Create new, and let’s dive in!

Firstly, you can start with your form’s name to distinguish them and let your customers know what they fill in.

Adding Form Fields
The best thing about this online form builder is that everything here is customizable! You can tweak your fields’ names, add a description and placeholders, make the fields required to fill, etc. You will find the menu on the left side with all form fields and field properties. Therefore, try every field and see which one suits your needs.
For our WordPress sports event ticket registration form, I started by adding a Text Box to find out customers’ full names, a Phone field and an Email field for contact information. Then I added a Divider to separate this section from the other one. If you are holding a tournament that is extended on more days, you can add a Date field so the customers can select on which day they want to attend your event.

Moreover, I added a Dropdown for the Ticket Type. Click on it to see all the options. Please give it a field name, a field caption, and make it required. In the Options section, you can add as many choices as you want.

Once we added the ticket type, we can add another Dropdown for the number of tickets. Again, click on it to see all the possible options and give a Field name and a Field caption. You can add more or fewer choices depending on your needs.

Since we added the number of tickets, we need a total. To add this field, we will use the Donation field. Again, please give it a field name and a caption. Next, follow the steps presented below. Go to Settings > Calculator and type in the dark frame the equation.
As you can see, it is important to add a name to your field to calculate those two fields by their name.

You can choose between multiple payment methods, such as PayPal, Credit Card, or wire transfer. I recommend adding all of them, so you are sure that all your customers will be able to buy the tickets to their favorite sport. If the sports event is a charity, a Donation field will be enough. And finally, add a Submit button with a “Get your tickets!” message.
Additional features
Well, this is how you create a sample registration form for the sports event. Thanks to Kali Forms amazing features, you can let your customers know that they successfully made their order through an email. To do that, go to Notifications and follow step by step what is explained there. Also, you can even send a validation SMS if you opted for the premium version. It’s up to you.

If you want to take advantage of all its features, go to Settings. You’ll find plenty of other customization options – choose your sports event-form style or display a “thank you for your order” message. Furthermore, if you opted for the premium version, you can connect your form to Slack, HubSpot and send newsletters.

Add the concert ticket registration form to your website
After you’re done creating and setting up your form, just press Save. Kali Forms will generate a shortcode with the copy link, and all you have to do is copy and paste it on your website.
If you care about your data and want to be protected, export it to CSV or Excel and store it safely. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!
Final thoughts
At first, it might look and sound overwhelming to digitalize your sports event ticket registration form, but it is not that hard at all. Kali Forms simplify the whole process, and I am sure that you will have an exceptional event.
Get to know all the features and customization choices to create the most genuine online form.