A standard HTML input upload field.
Configuration options
- Field name: the name of the field.
- Field caption/label: the caption of the field. This is usually displayed next to the input element to let users know what information is expected in the field.
- Field description: you can use this to provide additional instructions for using the field in the submission process.
- Enable multiple file upload: enable the option to upload multiple files through the same field.
- Max number of files to be uploaded: the number of files the user can upload through the field (this is set to 2 by default).
- Required: choose if the field is mandatory for the submission to be made.
- Field id: the id of the form element. This is mainly used for internal purposes.
- Min file size (e.g 150kb or 3mb): set a minimum limit to the size of the files allowed to be uploaded through the form.
- Max file size (e.g 150kb or 3mb): set a maximum limit to the size of the files allowed to be uploaded through the form.
- Max size of all files in list (e.g 150kb or 3mb): set a maximum limit all files.
- File prefix: allows you to set a prefix to the name of the uploaded file.
- Accepted extensions: control the type of files that can be uploaded through the form. You can either select the extensions you want to allow from the displayed list or switch to the Advanced view and manually add the file MIME types for the desired file extensions.
- Instant upload: start the file upload as soon as the selection is made instead of waiting for the submission to be triggered.
- Image preview: when uploading images, display a preview of the uploaded image.
- Readonly: with this option enabled users will not be able to change the value from the field.
Below you can find a table with the most common MIME types:
Extension | Kind of document | MIME Type |
.aac |
AAC audio | audio/aac |
.abw |
AbiWord document | application/x-abiword |
.arc |
Archive document (multiple files embedded) | application/x-freearc |
.avi |
AVI: Audio Video Interleave | video/x-msvideo |
.azw |
Amazon Kindle eBook format | application/vnd.amazon.ebook |
.bin |
Any kind of binary data | application/octet-stream |
.bmp |
Windows OS/2 Bitmap Graphics | image/bmp |
.bz |
BZip archive | application/x-bzip |
.bz2 |
BZip2 archive | application/x-bzip2 |
.csh |
C-Shell script | application/x-csh |
.css |
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) | text/css |
.csv |
Comma-separated values (CSV) | text/csv |
.doc |
Microsoft Word | application/msword |
.docx |
Microsoft Word (OpenXML) | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
.eot |
MS Embedded OpenType fonts | application/vnd.ms-fontobject |
.epub |
Electronic publication (EPUB) | application/epub+zip |
.gz |
GZip Compressed Archive | application/gzip |
.gif |
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) | image/gif |
.htm |
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) | text/html |
.ico |
Icon format | image/vnd.microsoft.icon |
.ics |
iCalendar format | text/calendar |
.jar |
Java Archive (JAR) | application/java-archive |
.jpeg .jpg |
JPEG images | image/jpeg |
.js |
JavaScript | text/javascript |
.json |
JSON format | application/json |
.jsonld |
JSON-LD format | application/ld+json |
.mid .midi |
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) | audio/midi audio/x-midi |
.mjs |
JavaScript module | text/javascript |
.mp3 |
MP3 audio | audio/mpeg |
.mpeg |
MPEG Video | video/mpeg |
.mpkg |
Apple Installer Package | application/vnd.apple.installer+xml |
.odp |
OpenDocument presentation document | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation |
.ods |
OpenDocument spreadsheet document | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet |
.odt |
OpenDocument text document | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text |
.oga |
OGG audio | audio/ogg |
.ogv |
OGG video | video/ogg |
.ogx |
OGG | application/ogg |
.opus |
Opus audio | audio/opus |
.otf |
OpenType font | font/otf |
.png |
Portable Network Graphics | image/png |
.pdf |
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) | application/pdf |
.php |
Hypertext Preprocessor (Personal Home Page) | application/php |
.ppt |
Microsoft PowerPoint | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint |
.pptx |
Microsoft PowerPoint (OpenXML) | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation |
.rar |
RAR archive | application/vnd.rar |
.rtf |
Rich Text Format (RTF) | application/rtf |
.sh |
Bourne shell script | application/x-sh |
.svg |
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) | image/svg+xml |
.swf |
Small web format (SWF) or Adobe Flash document | application/x-shockwave-flash |
.tar |
Tape Archive (TAR) | application/x-tar |
.tif |
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) | image/tiff |
.ts |
MPEG transport stream | video/mp2t |
.ttf |
TrueType Font | font/ttf |
.txt |
Text, (generally ASCII or ISO 8859-n) | text/plain |
.vsd |
Microsoft Visio | application/vnd.visio |
.wav |
Waveform Audio Format | audio/wav |
.weba |
WEBM audio | audio/webm |
.webm |
WEBM video | video/webm |
.webp |
WEBP image | image/webp |
.woff |
Web Open Font Format (WOFF) | font/woff |
.woff2 |
Web Open Font Format (WOFF) | font/woff2 |
.xhtml |
XHTML | application/xhtml+xml |
.xls |
Microsoft Excel | application/vnd.ms-excel |
.xlsx |
Microsoft Excel (OpenXML) | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
.xml |
application/xml if not readable from casual users (RFC 3023, section 3)text/xml if readable from casual users (RFC 3023, section 3) |
.xul |
XUL | application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml |
.zip |
ZIP archive | application/zip |
.3gp |
3GPP audio/video container | video/3gpp audio/3gpp if it doesn’t contain video |
.3g2 |
3GPP2 audio/video container | video/3gpp2 audio/3gpp2 if it doesn’t contain video |
.7z |
7-zip archive | application/x-7z-compressed |