How to add a Popup Form in WordPress – step-by-step

Are you looking for a way to add a WordPress popup form to your website?

Lucky for you, we are here to help! What even is a popup form? Instead of being redirected to a new page, the contact form from your website will simply open in a popup. Lately, it has become a trend.

This process will make it easier for your customers to contact you online. Without further ado, let’s see how you can add a WordPress popup form to your site.

1. Why should you use a WordPress popup form?
2. How to create a WordPress popup form
3. Create a contact form
4. Create a WordPress popup form
5. Summary

Why should you use a WordPress popup form?

There are a lot of benefits that a WordPress popup form will bring to your website and make it easy for people visiting your website to contact you – let’s take a brief look at some advantages that a popup form can provide:

More straightforward

Well, it will be easier for your customers to get in touch with you without having to leave the page that they are on. They will quickly fill out your contact form, and then they will be able to continue navigating on that page. 

Gather feedback

In any business or organization, feedback is always welcomed. By gathering feedback, you will know what is right and what needs to be improved. You can do this by asking customers for comments, or you can also create a survey.

Build an email list

By creating a WordPress popup form, you can build an email newsletter list to send new blog posts, promote your business, make announcements, or sell products that your company provides. 

Here are some of the benefits of using a WordPress popup form. Now that you know why it is important let’s see how you can make on.

How to create a WordPress popup form

Before we start creating a WordPress popup form, you will need to install two plugins – one that provides contact forms and one that help you convert website visitors into customers and subscribers. 

Step 1: Installing the Kali Forms plugin

As I said before, you will need a plugin that will help you build a contact form. Everything here is customizable, and you will benefit from a bunch of stunning features. Log into your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins>Add New. In the right upper corner, a search bar will pop up. Type Kali Forms and then click Install.

add a Popup Form in WordPress
Install Kali Forms

You will have to wait a couple of seconds and after the plugin is installed, click Activate.

add a Popup Form in WordPress
Activate Kali Forms

The Kali Forms plugin will pop up in your WordPress dashboard. Go find it and click on it. Then, press Add new, and you are good to go. 

add a Popup Form in WordPress
Create a new form

Step 2: Create a contact form

Next, you’ll have to create a contact form for your visitors. To start making this form, go to Kali Forms>Add new. You’ll be redirected to a page with a bunch of pre-designed templates. If you want to build one from scratch, you can click on Blank and then Create new. However, as you can see, we already have an example of contact form. Click on Get started to customize it.

add a Popup Form in WordPress
Creating the contact form

Now you will have to select a theme that suits your preferences. I have chosen the first visual style, but you can pick whatever you please. Click on Import and let the magic happen.

add a Popup Form in WordPress
The visual style of your contact form

Well, a new page with pre-made fields will pop up. These fields include the name, e-mail address, and message your customers want to add. If you want to change anything, you’re able to do that from the menu on the left of your page. You can add other fields, descriptions and make them required to fill

add a Popup Form in WordPress
Adding form fields to your contact form

You can create an email notification and send a designed message to your customers to let them know that you have received their form. So, go to Notifications, and the whole process is explained, step-by-step. If you find it a bit difficult, you can follow this tutorial on sending submitted data in the form notifications. If you go with the PRO version, you will be able to even send SMS notification. Also, you will see that this pre-designed form has a pre-made contact form confirmation. You can use this one, make changes to it, or you can build one from scratch. It’s up to you.

add a Popup Form in WordPress
Email notifications

There’s more. If you want to take advantage of more features, go to Settings. There you can change the form style if you are not happy with this one, or display a “thank you” message. You can also add newsletter or user confirmation if you opt for the PRO version of Kali Forms. Click on Save, and a shortcode with the copy link will be generated.

Step 3: Installing a WordPress popup form plugin

Now, you will need a WordPress popup form plugin. The installation process will be the same as Kali Forms, so go for the Popup Maker plugin. It is incredible, versatile, and flexible. 

add a Popup Form in WordPress
Installing the Popup Maker plugin

With this super-power plugin, your contact form will open when someone is about to leave your website or when someone has scrolled down your page. You can even opt for a WordPress popup form on your site when your form is submitted. There are two more ways to trigger a popup: open automatically and click a button or any other element to open it.

Once you have installed these two plugins and the contact form is built, we can start creating the WordPress popup form. Go to your WordPress menu and find the plugin item. Search for Popup Maker and click on Add Popup. Oh, well, the popup editing screen will appear.

add a Popup Form in WordPress
Creating your WordPress popup form

Now you will have to add a name for your WordPress popup form, and you can show an optional title if you want. You can also leave it blank.

add a Popup Form in WordPress
Adding a name to your WordPress popup form

Next, you need to add your contact form in the popup. Click on Insert download, and add the shortcode of your contact form in the Link text box. Press Insert download, and the link of your form will appear in the Paragraph. 

add a Popup Form in WordPress
Adding the contact form to your popup

As you can see, a new shortcode with your WordPress popup form has been generated. 

add a Popup Form in WordPress
The shortcode of your popup form

You can customize some of the popup settings by scrolling down on the page. Here, you can add triggers, target your WordPress popup form to a specific segment, adjust the display settings, and many other features. 

add a Popup Form in WordPress
Customisation options

Does everything look good? Then, Publish it. Now, your WordPress popup form is live! It wasn’t that difficult, am I right? You can repeat this process over again if you need more WordPress popups. 


add a Popup Form in WordPress
Kali Forms

Adding popup forms to your website will grow your business and make everything easier for your customers. You can take advantage of every customization option that Kali Forms and Popup Maker provide and improve your website. Bear in mind that everything here is simple and flexible.

Andreea Popa
Andreea Popa